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Wire Transfer:
IBAN: HU12 1620 0223 1004 5507 0000 0000

A Város Mindenkié
16200223-10045507 (MagNet Bank)


A Város Mindenkié

A Város Mindenkié csoport olyan hajléktalan, hajléktalanságot megtapasztalt és lakásszegénységben élő aktivistákból és szövetségeseikből áll, akik tenni akarnak egy egyenlőségen alapuló és igazságos társadalomért. Célunk, hogy kiálljunk a hajléktalan emberek méltóságáért és küzdjünk a lakhatáshoz való jogért.

A szervezet minden tevékenységében – a döntéshozástól az akciók szervezéséig – a hajléktalan és lakásszegénységben élő emberek vezető szerepet játszanak.


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Two thousand people marched for housing in Budapest

This was the 7h march for the right to housing organized by The City is for All, where two thousand people raised their voice for decent and affordable housing. The event called attention to the critical situation of housing that affects more and more citizens and held the national and local governments accountable for their lack of adequate responses to this situation. Organizers also offered a list of recommendations that could solve housing poverty in Hungary. 


2017.10.17. 23:35 • Szólj hozzá! Címkék: english lakhatás lakásmenet

The 7th March for Housing – Together we are strong!

A Város Mindenkié (The City is for All) is organizing the 7th March for Housing, a mass protest for the right to housing. Our aim is to draw attention to the housing crisis in Hungary and hold the national and local governments accountable for not addressing it properly. The march is a part of Fall in Motion, a series of events organized by groups who experience different forms of exclusion and who stand up together for our rights. We stand in solidarity with each other!

When? Saturday, October 14, 2017. 2-5pm

Where?  Budapest - Deák tér

More info about the Housing March >>>


2017.10.09. 06:00 • Szólj hozzá! Címkék: tüntetés english lakhatás lakásmenet

Support our struggle!

Support the struggle for housing justice in Hungary!

International wire transfer (Magnet Bank): 
Name: Utcáról Lakásba Egyesület
IBAN: HU12 1620 0223 1004 5507 0000 0000

Your donation supports the following needs:

2,000 HUF/month (6 EUR) covers Internet access for one homeless activist for a month. Our headquarters has only limited and sporadic web access and there are very few places in the city with free web access, so we often use Internet cafes to do our work. 

3,000 HUF/month (10 EUR) covers the phone cost for one of our homeless activists. This is extremely important with as much community organizing as we do! 

6,000 HUF/month (20 EUR) covers senior transportation passes for two of our homeless members. Using public transportation is not possible without buying a pass and our colleagues are constantly traveling within the city. 

10,000 HUF/month (33 EUR) covers one meal a week for 20 people who live in housing poverty. This amount pays for the simple yet tasty sandwiches that we serve at all of our meetings and gatherings. 

20,000 HUF/month (66 EUR) covers a 4-day retreat for one homeless member. Every six months, our members go on a strategic retreat to assess and plan our work, which also provides an opportunity to relax and socialize. 


The City is for All is not a registered organization. At our founding, we decided against registering ourselves so that we can avoid bureaucratic restrictions and maintain our autonomy. This also means that we have very few opportunities to apply for grants and we cannot accept 1% tax write offs. We are able to secure in-kind donations and other help through the generosity of our members and supporters.

Our work is mainly made possible by our activists and the donations of countless supporters. We would also like to thank the following organizations for their financial support, in-kind and material donations: Civil Kollégium Alapítvány, Európai Lakhatási Hálózat, Open Society Foundations, Foundation for Social Responsibility, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Davis Projects for Peace.

Through your donation, you will support the work of our members who are homeless or live in housing poverty. Our group uses our collective money to achieve strategic purposes and not individual goals.

International wire transfer (Magnet Bank): 
Name: Utcáról Lakásba Egyesület
IBAN: HU12 1620 0223 1004 5507 0000 0000

Donate cash by writing to: 

If you would like to offer an in-kind donation, please consider donating cell phones, laptops, glasses, copy paper, coffee or tea – things we need for our daily functioning and work. Please contact us at

Thank you for supporting our struggle!

2017.09.10. 11:15 • Szólj hozzá! Címkék: english adomány

Over 100,000 people have problems with their registered address

In just the past two years, 10,000 more people were added to the list of those who have useless addresses. The City is For All has requested information from the Interior Ministry about the number of people with problematic addresses, which exacerbates their uncertain living circumstances or hinders their ability to receive much-needed social and other services. In our last article, we presented data from 2015, and the situation has considerably worsened since then.


2017.08.08. 06:00 • Szólj hozzá! Címkék: english lakcím

Get you act together! Homeless activist was not allowed to use the toilet in the ministries

In Budapest there are barely 80 public toilets for more than one and a half million people. In addition there are very few public toilets that are free of charge and accessible to disabled people. The City is for All (AVM), the Insider Outsiders’ Public Choir (BKK) and the Living Independently – Living in a Community organized a joint action on July 12, 2017 in front of the Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI) to call attention to this situation and claim immediately comprehensive solution.


2017.07.12. 06:00 • Szólj hozzá! Címkék: english wc érdekvédelem

Homeless people with disabilities in Hungary

Up until 1989 there was state socialism in Hungary. After this ended, the number of apartments owned by the local authorities dropped because of capitalist privatization. Today we have mass housing poverty. A lot of people became homeless when they were made redundant either due to the change in their family status or because of the credit crunch. This is a problem of the social welfare system, but in Hungary it is addressed using law enforcement methods.


2016.06.07. 06:00 • Szólj hozzá! Címkék: english diszkrimináció fogyatékkal élők hajléktalan ellátás

Housing protests at the EU urban ministers' meeting

Housing organisers from across Europe including members of The City is for All are coming together this weekend to protest against the adoption of the EU Urban Agenda by the 23 Housing Ministers of Europe in Amsterdam. A series of actions were planned by the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City, a network of groups fighting for housing justice across the continent.


2016.05.30. 16:24 • Szólj hozzá! Címkék: english európai unió nemzetközi lakhatás európai lakhatási hálózat

Solidarity with Łukasz Bukowski

We received notice from a friend in Poland on the 27th of April Łukasz Bukowski, a participant of Anarchist Federation Poznan, Poland, went to prison for three months. He had been charged and sentenced with the breach of bodily integrity of a police officer which had happened during the eviction blockade of a disabled woman and her husband, Katrzyna and Ryszard Jencz, from a tenement house in Poznan, Poland. Lukasz refused to pay the fine, which then was changed to community work and then to a prison term. He appeared at a prison in Poznan where he will spend the next three months.


2016.05.22. 06:00 • Szólj hozzá! Címkék: english nemzetközi szolidaritás Lengyelország

The housing movement in Hungary

2016.05.20. 06:00 • Szólj hozzá! Címkék: english

No to persecution, yes to homes! Write a letter to the members of the Hungarian Parliament

The City is for All and Dr. Bernadett Szél of the Politics Can Be Different Party (Lehet Más a Politika, LMP), are proposing a bill to withdraw the current regulation that defines living in public spaces as a petty offense. The intent of this proposal is to end the persecution of homeless people living in public spaces in Hungary. The Hungarian Parliament will vote on this bill in April, 2016. Please support this bill by writing a lettet to all members of the Hungarian Parliament.

The letter - which maybe modified as you wish - can be downloaded from here

The contact list of the members of the Hungarian Parliament can be downloaded from here

Please copy us on the email you are sending to our MPs so that we may keep of track of this campaign (



2016.04.04. 01:00 • Szólj hozzá! Címkék: english lmp életvitelszerű lakhatás közterületen criminalization
süti beállítások módosítása